Wedding Venue in Jim Corbett
Why Choose Anantum Gateway Resorts & Spa Wedding Venue in Jim Corbett?
Anantum Gateway Resorts & Spa has been hosting weddings in the most splendid way for years. We never fail to surprise and satisfy our guests and couples with our impeccable services and planning. To make weddings unique, we have unlimited wedding themes to choose from, which makes our wedding banquet venue look great. With the kind of luxury that we offer at our wedding venue, weddings look no less than a celebrity wedding. We do understand that decoration and a spacious banquet hall are not all that one looks for. That is why we also offer multi-cuisines, including continental and India cuisines, to relish upon.

Now leave all your worries for booking a banquet venue for a destination wedding in Uttarakhand. It is time you plan your wedding at one of the Wedding Venue in Jim Corbett that is Anantum Gateway Resorts & Spa. With the affordable booking price, it’s time you live your wedding dream and makes thousands of memories of your wedding that you can cherish forever.

Kid-Friendly Activities
Anantum lets children enjoy an extensive range of kid-friendly activities. Right from engaging indoor and outdoor games to thrilling wildlife safaris in the renowned Jim Corbett National Park let your little ones be captivated by the myriad of options available. Plus, the dedicated team of trained professionals at our Best Kid friendly Resorts in Uttarakhand organizes fun-filled activities and workshops.